US Supreme Court approves Trump asylum curbs (Analysis Post)

The U.S. Supreme Court has allowed a new Trump Administration rule regarding immigration in the United States. This new rule prevents many people at the US-Mexican border from claiming asylum. The current White House policy aims to deny asylum to anyone who is passing through a safe country that is on the way to the US-Mexican border. The U.S. government expects these asylum seekers to seek asylum in the safe countries that they pass through such as Mexico. This is due to the vast majority of asylum seekers coming from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and some countries in South America. Most of the people that seek asylum in the United States are Central and South Americans that are fleeing their home countries because of violence, gangs, and corruption. These people will now not be able to seek for asylum unless they seek it in Mexico or other countries along the way to the US-Mexican border. As goes for Asians, and Africans. Many states such as California are trying to overrule this new rule from the Trump Administration. The Supreme Court allows the new rule to be applied to all states in the United States. More than 33,000 people have been turned back from the border and sent to Mexico, to wait for the resolution of their asylum claims. 

In my opinion, the new Trump policy is necessary. The United States is one of the countries in the world that accepts more than 500,000 immigrants per year, which is a lot. It is not fair for the people that went through the naturalization process to spend all that time (6 years) doing paperwork and errands and then some people just come and sneak through the border and some come and lie about their motives for seeking asylum. After all, the majority of the people who were lucky enough to go through the naturalization process that are from Latin American countries have been through many of the same obstacles in their countries that asylum seekers and illegals have been through in their home countries as well. It is a good thing that the U.S. government is limiting the number of asylum seekers.

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