Peru’s President Dissolves Congress, and Lawmakers Suspend Him

On September 30, 2019, President Martin Vizcarra dissolved Peru’s congress to reduce the amount of constant corruption in congress. This prompted the opposing lawmakers to try to suspend him which will bring Peru into uncertainty after many years of corruption. Opposition lawmakers responded to the president’s decision by accusing President Vizcarra of staging “a coup” and immediately moving to try to suspend him for 12 months. They nominated his vice president, Mercedes Aráoz, as the new head of state. “I accept this with fortitude,” Ms. Aráoz said before Congress of a provisional presidency. “It is one of the most difficult decisions I have made in my life.” It was not clear whether Mr. Vizcarra would accept the lawmakers’ decision. Speaking in a nationally televised address earlier Monday night, President Vizcarra said the drastic move to dissolve Congress was his last recourse to force new parliamentary elections, which have been repeatedly blocked by the opposition-controlled legislature (Fujimoristas). 

In my opinion, what Martin Vizcarra did was a necessary measure. Peru’s congress was completely corrupt and against the needs of the country. Instead, the party that ruled the majority of congress (Fujimoristas) only cared about their party’s and personal needs, not the needs of the Peruvian people. It was needed for Peru’s congressmen and women to leave and start all over again. They cannot run again for Congress because it would be illegal. This law is new, back then they could run for as long as they wanted as long as they were elected. Some congressmen and women have been there for over 20 years and have not done absolutely anything for Peru. 

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