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In Bolivia, an arrest warrant has been issued for former president Evo Morales. Morales is accused of sedition and terrorism after a controversial video surfaced. This video shows a Bolivian man talking on the phone about plans for a road blockade. The man on the other end, who appears to be directing the blockade, is said to be Morales, although these allegations have not been confirmed. In fact, Morales denies it, saying it’s nothing more than a setup. Road blockades are common among protestors, and Morales is accused of inciting these protests to force his political opponent, Jeanine Áñez, out of office. Currently, Morales is taking asylum in Argentina.

In Peru, two teenage workers died after being electrocuted at a McDonalds. All McDonalds in the country were closed for two days in a symbolic gesture of mourning. These deaths sparked investigations and widespread protests from current and former employees alike. They call for safer working conditions and stricter safety measures. Arcos Dorados, the company that runs McDonalds Peru, said they are cooperating fully with the investigation and that they strive to make sure their employees have safe and well-compensated working conditions.

This is just a snapshot of what is happening in two South American countries at the moment. 

There’s a fear that Morales may return to Bolivia, but it isn’t likely. With this arrest warrant out, there’s a question of whether Argentina will extradite Morales, but the answer is definitely not. Morales has connections in the Argentinian government, specifically to President Alberto Fernandez. I’m not sure what Bolivia and Argentina’s relationship is usually like, but whatever the case, this will only worsen relations and raise tensions.

In Peru, working conditions are said to be notoriously terrible, at least in the McDonalds food chain. The mother of one of the children says that her daughter did not appear to be wearing any safety gear– boots, gloves, or otherwise– when she viewed the body. This needs reform. It’s too early in the investigation to tell the outcome, but I believe reforms are imminent. 

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