The Setback in the Professional Careers of Mothers Due to the Pandemic

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In an article written by “The Women’s Post” the question of “Are women going back to the 50’s?” is proposed. According to a study, the claim is that 70% of women do the majority of the childcare at home, the house work or cleaning, cooking, laundry, and taking care of their children one-on-one (just slightly more then their male partner does). With the addition of Covid and school being online, the article touches on how the majority of families do not have the additional income to pay for childcare during the school day for their young children, leaving parents with the choice of the loss of extra income or leaving their child homeland. The article then goes into mention the fact that women are three times more likely then t=men to not have a job, be out of work, or quit their job to stay at home with their children as a means of childcare. Additionally, when trying to balance all of these things combine for working mothers, they lose out on opportunities for work promotions or even extra money; commonly causing hostile actions or comments from bosses or other coworkers. It is suggested that places of work put in new “childcare” laws for families who rely on two incomes, and that there should be more leeway and gratitude for working mothers.

In the United States, there is 22% difference between the men to women ratio of members in the work force. A large sum of the 47% of women, compared to the 69% of men, counted in this are girls working in high school or just slightly above the age of 16 (including part time). The question of importance is not necessarily that there is a gap, but more so, why is there this gap? What are the reasons? This article suggests that this has been an ongoing thing, while covid has made it worse. The first area to look at is, why is childcare so expensive if it is needed by most middle-class American families? In order to soften this gap, and lessen, if not eliminate, hostile behavior and loss of personal work gain and growth women experience, childcare must become more affordable- or more workplaces must offer childcare. Women offer a tremendous amount of perspective, strength, and brains to the work place and the economy, and it is important that women can be both- a great mother and a great professional. With the fall in women due to the work place, or the continuation of hostile behavior towards them in the work place- the world is at a loss of great minds and growth.

The entire idea of “The American Dream” and a vastly large reason that women from all over the come here, is so live in a safe place that they can escape the narrative that they fit. The idea is that women can have person accomplishments within their work and professional lives, while coming home and being able to be great mothers too. It should not be a choice of one over the other, just as it should not be for men. Having a large number, or equal number, of women in the work place is so important in the grade scheme of international relations because it offers an increase in diplomacy. With a greater participation of women within the workforce, the economy can continue to grow.

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