Even Disaster Veterans Are Stunned By What’s Happening In Honduras

Article Link:https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/12/14/945377248/even-disaster-veterans-are-stunned-by-whats-happening-in-honduras

In Honduras, there have been two category four hurricanes that have struck, Eta and Iota. On November 3 and November 17, the hurricanes made a landfall in Central America. Even till this day, this region is facing continuous mud slides. Due to the hurricanes hitting, Nicagora, which is Honduras neighboring country, is reported to face more damage and the most deaths due to the landslides and flooding caused by intense rainfall. In Honduras, cyclones have slowed over, being the last two-named storms of a record-breaking hurricane season. Unfortunately, the storms have caused a lot of destruction towards bridges, roads, schools, and health clinics.

With the devastation of the hurricanes, the President, Juan Orlando Hernández, tries to help out his people by pushing the message of, “No están solos,” meaning “You are not alone.” Due to Honduras and both their neighboring country Nicagora being unstable the best thing they can do is rely on other groups and countries to provide assistance. First being, due to Covid-19, and the destruction of homes, many homeless shelters are overcrowded, causing cases to arise. If the Red Cross could step in they could provide shelter for many people, causing the overcrowding to decline. Another issue that the people of Honduras face is an increasing rate of unemployment. Because of many of the neighboring countries being unable to be economically stable, I believe that the U.S and red cross should help out. As far as the U.S, I think that they should provide money towards the government and food/ first aid. I also think that the Red Cross should play a role providing assistance to the people of Honduras.Relating back to class, I believe that the U.S should take a liberalist approach. They don’t get anything in return, except for the satisfaction of helping many people’s lives. With the levels of analysis this article represents, individual, state, and regional. On an individual level you have the president of Honduras, Hernández tries to put out a sympathetic message towards his people with its main intent to feel like you are not alone. On a state level you have the country’s Honduras and Nicaragua that unfortunately, are being destroyed by human nature. Finally, at a regional level you have Central America that is continuing to get destroyed by mankind.

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