Police officer killed in Capitol vehicle attack will lie in honor


The U.S Capitol police officer that was killed on Friday after someone rammed a car into police, will next week lie in honor for his life in Capital rotunda. The victims name was William Evans, he was an 18 year veteran of the capitol police force and was a father to two children. Evans died in the hospital after he was struck by the vehicle. A second officer was also injured, but is recovering. Evans was given a very honorable death, as his casket is public viewing, which is one of the highest possible honors congress has for a civilian.

This is a respectable act my congress. The man had a family and was loyal to the capitol police after being there for 18 years, he deserved a honorable death ceremony. Although, this attack on the capital is not good. This is the second attack on the capital just this year. Earlier in the year near the presidential election, there was another attack on the capital, only much more violent. Protestors rushed the gate to the capital and then pushed their way inside, then just stayed in their, took some pics. It is believed that the first attack was generated as a result of then president Donald Trump, urging his supporters to push the building and motivating them with election fraud claims. Many if not all the attackers on the capitol in the first attack were trump supporters, so this attack could be a remnant of his supporters still trying to get “justice”.

The capitol of the United States or any country is usually the most protected, important area and is geographically placed so that it would be hard to attack. The United States geographically placed there capital perfectly so that it would be very difficult for outside countries to attack, although people from within their own country were successful in attacking it. America being at the top internationally in regards to power, military, technology, etc, other countries are always trying to surpass them. And when they have attacks like these whether large and violent like in January or small and not as violent like this attack recently, they still are seen as good things by other competing countries. We talked about in class how America is too big and powerful to go fight another country hand to hand, so what these countries do is they see we are struggling with things like this attack in our country often and then they join in doing little things like hacking elections, or using social media to possibly start controversies over american topics. These little things divide the american people from each other and divide the people from the government, and eventually will tear the country down themselves.

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