Venezuela says Colombian drone violates its airspace as U.S. admiral visits

Venezuelan defense minister Vladimir Padrino stated that a Colombian air force drone flew over the state of zulia. The claim comes at a time when a U.S. military official is visiting the adjacent country. Padrino called this act a “blatant threat”. Padrino says since Admiral Craig Faller was in Columbia at the time it could by no means be an accident.The tension between Colombia and Venezuela has been growing since Venezualean president Nicolas Maduro cut ties with Colombia. This is due to the Colombian president Ivan Duque speaking out against Maduro about a humanitarian aid matter. The U.S. has also been working with some sancatains to remove maduro from power. Both Columbia and the United States have refused to comment on said matter.

From the article you can see that the tensions between Columbia and Venezuela have been happening for some time. I believe that Colimbia might be in the right here though. It seems that President Maduro has made bad choices that are not helping his country. Though the Air force drone, if they had flown it, might have been much it could have been a necessity. Since they are bordering nations it would be better if there was no conflict at all. The trade between Colombia and Venezuela is imperative. As the tension has grown between the two countries in the past years, trade has gone way down. In 2012 Colombian exports to Venezuela was around 3 billion dollars and in 2020 it was around 200 million.

Both Venezuela and Columbia are governed by presidential republics with full presidential systems. The connection to class can also be shown through how the United Nations recognized the country. Colombia being a multi nation state, whereas Venezuela could be considered both a  multinational state and multi state nation. Another connection is, Colombia has recognized Kosovo where Venezuela has not. This makes sense as Colombia has better relations with the U.S. better relations with Colombia as we can see in this article above.The relations between Colombia and the U.S. due to the military and trade alliances between the two counties.

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