Wave of violence in El Salvador: Bukele reduces freedoms in response

Article link: https://latinamericanpost.com/40283-wave-of-violence-in-el-salvador-bukele-reduces-freedoms-in-response

The country of El Salvador has hit a rough spell due to large amounts of violence breaking out. It is being reported that in the past 2 days, 72 murders have accrued. El Salvador is now under a state of emergency because of the sheer chaos. President Bukele of El Salvador has made it extremely difficult for gang members and criminals as he ordered the police to pursue anyone protecting either known criminals or gang members, He also ordered the jails in El Salvador to cut down the amount of food served to the inmates to make it more of an incentive to stay away from crime.

I totally back Bukele’s actions. Many would say Bukele’s actions are inhumane, but 72 murders in 2 days are way more inhumane. I can only imagine normal El Salvadorian civilians being frightened out of their minds because of the gangs, and who would blame them, I would be too. I would be in full support of doing whatever means necessary to cut down on the murders. There should be no other option than to give the police and military force the green light on going full pursuit. This should send a message and hopefully scare off the criminals.

As I mentioned before, some would say what Bukele is doing is inhumane. The title of the article mentions reducing freedoms. Finding the boundary between what is seen as right and extreme is difficult. International leaders who have criticized Bukele are leaders of countries that face few issues. Bukele is sending a message to El Salvador and the rest of Latin America to say that I have a backbone and I’m not afraid to put an end to crime. There needs to be more leaders like Bukele. Criminals around the world get away with too much in the first place let alone 72 murders in 48 hours.

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