North America Aims To Make 25% Of What It Imports From Asia, Mexico Says

Many topics were discussed at the North American Leaders Summit in Mexico City this past week, but one of the most prominent claims to come out of the meeting was Mexico’s initiative to make 25% of imports from Asia domestically and collaboratively with other western nations. Though the proposition by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador didn’t include a time limit or projected length, it’s an ambitious pursuit. The Americas, along with much of the world, receive most semiconductors and technological chips from Taiwan; this project would wean the Americas off of Taiwan and East Asian reliance, reducing potential conflict and involvement with China. Obrador also gathered support from America and Canada to fund solar energy production initiatives in rural areas of Mexico and further industry development.

With these tightened economic ties between American countries, the western hemisphere is moving more towards isolationism and self-reliance. Mexico is clearly looking to reduce involvement with East-Asian countries, specifically concerning Chinese and Taiwanese tensions, to increase safety and stability in the event of conflict. By showing support and making agreements surrounding this project by Obrador, the United States and Canada also show similar sentiments towards moving into a more reluctant foreign policy and weakened reliance for resources. These countries are taking the opportunity to decrease economic reliance and internally increase security, economy, and industry.

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