Analysis Post-Afghan Province, Squeezed by Taliban, Loses Access to Medical Care

Afghanistan has been combating the Taliban for quite some time now, but there is a difference between soldiers fighting and civilians being punished for a situation they never asked to be in. By taking away their medical care, this becomes much more than a political war. The Taliban is purposefully trying to attack every aspect of the lives of Afghans by impacting all civilians including women and children. Think about all the pregnant Afghan mothers. What are they supposed to do when they go into labor and there is no open hospital for them to go to because the Taliban has shut all of them down? This insurgent group has issued threats to shut down these medical clinics and hospitals, and then, because they are in control, they declare that all things medical will be done on their terms. For example, they say that locations of clinics are now determined by them, and in addition, the Afghan government has to send doctors and surgeons to their clinics to aid wounded Taliban members. This just goes to show how much influence the Taliban has in Afghanistan because the Afghan government pretty much has no choice other than to meet their demands. So they are forced to send their man power over across enemy lines to help the Taliban while watching their innocent citizens struggle with simple diseases that would be easily curable with the right treatment.

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