Analysis Post-Disputes in Pakistan

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In Pakistan, the population is not homogenous. There are many different ethnic and cultural groups that are forced to live together and it often doesn’t result in harmony. Two examples of these conflict areas are Balochistan in the west and Kashmir in the northeast.

In the past few months, there have been multiple occasions in Baluchistan and Kashmir in which conflicts arose. Kashmir disputes are between Pakistan and India over land ownership; however, Balocistan conflicts are internal with the Balochs fighting the Punjab because they feel they’re being exploited. Balochistan is very different ethnically from the rest of Pakistan; however, it takes up the most space out of the four regions in Pakistan. Balochistan is rich in resources and, because it was forcefully put in the country when borders were redrawn, they want to be what their name is: land of the Balochs.

It is easy as an American to say that the region should find a compromise and continue to diversify the area because we live in a place where diversity has a positive connotation. This is not the case in most other areas of the world. When there are more cultures, there are more social conflicts and this is how Balochistan has become such a sensitive topic for Pakistan. I idealistic American opinion is that the best resolution would be to treat the Balochs and other ethnic groups of Pakistan with the same level of respect and esteem. But, I believe the quickest way to solve the social conflicts would be to give the Baloch their own nation; however, with Balochistan being rich in resources, this would most likely cause economic conflicts and land disputes.

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