Aid Official Warns Of A Bleak Situation In Afghanistan As Winter Approaches

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This article is about a non-governmental organization called Save the Children that has been operating under Taliban rule in order to help Afghanistan children improve their lives and obtain a better education. Most recently when schools reopened in Afghanistan, only boys in grades 7 through 12 went back to class. Talbain leaders told girls that they must wait. This has caused the Save the Children organization to get involved to help these children to obtain the education they deserve. Another problem addressed in this article is that with the approach of winter on its way and many families living in camps now. Nyamandi said: ¨The situation is bleak, really. It’s not uncommon in Afghanistan for children to freeze to death during the harshest of winters.¨ Therefore, if major steps aren’t taken to insure the safety of these children, we could have a serious amount of casualties this upcoming winter.

This is important because Afghanistan needs assistance even before the Taliban took over. Additionally, now with the recent violence that happened thousands of families ended up being displaced, running away from their homes because of the insecurity. And now they do not have shelter at all for winter. They are living out in the open, under plastic sheets. These children and families need assistance before winter. My thoughts on this is that even though the Taliban says they will be transparents and try to help with the situation by saying thing like they want girls to have access to an education soon in the future, it is hard for us to trust what the Taliban says because there have been a number of broken promises already involved with them.

This relates to what we learned in class regarding the topic of NGO. This article is all about the effort of Save the Children which is a non-governmental organization put together to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid. If we didn’t have organizations like these there would be zero effort to ensure that students receive education with the Afghanistan government pretty much non-existent as of now. Save the Children is being as transparent as possible by operating under Taliban rule even if they don’t agree with them to help make sure they can get girls back in school.

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