West has inflicted catastrophic damage on Afghanistan, says David Miliband


“We are not punishing the Taliban, we are making it worse for the people” says David Miliband, the former UK foreign secretary. The current Chief Executive of the International Rescue Committee is very vocal on the damage we have down to the people of Afghanistan. The current halt on international aid to the country is the biggest reason why the Afghanis are suffering. The international world claims that any money given is now “Taliban money”. Many who have seen the conditions in Afghanistan claim that the sanctions imposed are not hurting the Taliban but hurting the Teachers, Doctors, and Children.

This topic needs to be ran on multiple media sites to expose the western world into the atrocities the average Afghani is experiencing. Before the Taliban take over, 75% of the governments budget came from International aid. With that money stopping over night, people are losing their wages. If the sanctions stay in place, the region will look very different than it does today. The country will go into poverty and starvation. The argument against the sanctions is that the money that is halted is the money that would go into the hands of the regular Afghani. In my opinion, we should have never even went into Afghanistan in the first place. The rushed exit allowed the Taliban to rule over the country and the sanctions imposed are only adding fuel to the already raging fire.

This is a great example of modern day international relations. The western world is now discussing the moral obligation we have to protect these citizens. Todays world is more connected than ever. Leading countries have come together to set up organizations that help the ones with need on our country. If the sanctions stay, what is the point of these organizations? With the Afghani people starving, because of our exit, we now have a moral obligation to protect these innocent people. The western world is now discussing ways to reverse the damage. Are the Afghani lives worth a more rich and powerful Taliban? This is what the western world is currently discussing.

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