Rohingya Teen Killed in Mortar Fire From Myanmar

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On Friday, September 16th, a mortar touched down at night on a “no mans land” strip on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border at approximately 8:30pm. The mortar killed an 18 year old, and injured 4 others. The nearly 4,000 Rohingya that live near or on the strip state that they feel they are in constant fear, and are in constant danger. The Bangladesh not only claim this as a serious concern to the Rohingya living in Bangladesh, but also to the people of Bangladesh, as the attacks are violating the air space regulations.

The Rohingya genocide in 2017 has led the people to become a stateless ethnic group with no where else to really turn to except for Bangladesh. Over a million currently reside there, and many more have spread out looking for salvation. The constant attacks from the Myanmar are constant reminders of the unwantedness, as well as continued threats even as the Rohingya are no longer within Myanmar. Bangladesh seems to be handling the situation as diplomatic as possible, to no true prevail, however the people remain in danger, and will continue to be so if no one seeks to take them in. Hopefully, countries will see this and either want to reprimand the Myanmar government, or actively support the Rohingya in finding a home.

Just as governments can be non-recognised, and not possess one of the requirements to become a fully recognised and legitimate country, the Rohingya are a non-recognised people. A stateless people. This leaves them without anywhere to go. Since 1982, Myanmar has refused the Rohingya citizenship, and declared them illegal immigrants. It is because of this the people of the Rohingya have stretched out across Asia, and the globe. Looking for places to call a home. Bangladesh, being the closest, and easiest to reach, had taken the place as their home for the majority since.

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