Unidentified drone strike targets Iranian fuel convoy in Syria -Iraqi sources

Link to article: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/unidentified-drone-strike-targets-iranian-fuel-convoy-syria-iraqi-sources-2022-11-09/

Two fuel trucks were destroyed via air strike by an unidentified drone on the Syrian side border with Iraq. Targeting convoys that were carrying Iranian fuel. The convoy was of 22 tankers carrying fuel to Lebanon crossing through Iraq to Syria. Iran press confirmed the strike and accused the United States of being responsible. Though, the U.S military has denied any involvement and claims they were not behind the strike. It’s claimed that the drone strike targeted Syrian grounds. The Iranian fuel was said to have obtained all necessary legal approvals from Iraq to cross into Syria and that the transportation documents recorded that the convoys were indeed headed for Lebanon through Syria. No Iraqi casualties were reported or known of in regards to the attack.

Whoever blew up the convoy didn’t want the fuel to reach it’s destination for political, economic, and military reasons. The fuel was most likely headed out to Lebanon to support political organizations such as Hezbollah. Hezbollah would then use said fuel to to sell for income, gain political support, and to use the fuel to support their military actions against Israel. Currently, there is an oil embargo to keep terrorist organizations like Hezbollah from any future advancements. As mentioned earlier of the fuel being specifically targeted to strike on Syria grounds, this is because Syria is a constant warzone breeding ground. There’s various airborne attacks within Syria, making this drone attack just one of many therefore making it more anonymous as to who was behind the drones.

Hezbollah is a terrorist organization in Lebanon that possess political and military wings. They’re heavily involved with terrorist activities, therefore being recognized by the U.S and Israel (as well as other countries) as a terrorist organization. In class we’ve discussed status quo and how those who are content with the status quo are the higher powers such as the U.S, but in order to maintain our status quo we must at all time have good offense and defense. Therefore not allowing any fuel trade to terrorist organizations since it fuels (no pun intended) their economy, military, and political supports. So it’s not too far fetched that the U.S would be involved. Not only could the U.S be involved but other alliance countries with the U.S who may like the status quo.

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