Outlawed Sikh separatist movement has Indian authorities on edge

Although not terribly recent India has been having problems for a long time with the Punjab region in Northwestern India and its large Sikh and Muslim communities. Recently many Sikhs have called for an independent region of India called Khalistan and to declare a war for independence if they are unallowed to break free. The leader of this movement, Amritpal Singh, has been on the run for a few months and recently over the summer has been apprehended by Indian authorities and imprisoned. With the capture of Singh many sikh movements have died down and become less of a threat to India.

The article is important because of the consequences the Indian government’s actions can have on itself and others bordering India. If India, one of the leading exporters for rice and petroleum was to break into a civil war, than many neighboring countries economies would take a large hit and may eventually collapse due to the large amounts of missing materials. Also because of the civil war many U.S opposing sides would end up supporting the Sikh independence movement and send weapons and food across the border, as well the U.S and allies would send aid to India creating a second Gulf war scenario for the world. This class within the largest populated country in the world would also be sure to create millions of refugees flooding into surrounding countries, therefore overpopulating other countries by fleeing.

This article and news is important to us as a class and nation because if there was to be a breakdown of India, we would suffer as rice and petroleum prices would increase as well as a possible tax increase to fund the war in India. In conclusion the India government and Sikh separatist should look to peacefully resolve this religious conflict so that India does not implode on itself and create a disastrous civil war.

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