Pakistan condemns deadly Iranian missile strike on its territory as tensions spike across region


summary: Pakistan has condemned an Iranian air strike that killed two children. Labeling it as a “unprovoked violation of its airspace”. Iran claims that this air was not a violation and was used to destroy two strongholds of the Sunni militant group Jaish al-Adl. Pakistan has warned Iran of serious consequences from this attack stating it killed two innocent children. Pakistan has claimed this as an “unprovoked violation of its airspace by Iran … inside Pakistani territory.” China has urged these two countries to calm the tension and to “avoid actions that would lead to an escalation of tension and work together to maintain peace and stability in the region.”

analysis: While this issue has somewhat diffused since happening. It still can have lasting effects and impact in the region as tensions continue to rise in the region. It is to be questioned why Iran chose to attack Pakistan with the war that is already going on in the region continuing to build tensions between countries. Even though neither of these two countries are directly involved in the issue it can be assumed that they are seeing the effects of the war and want the region to regain some of the stability it had before the war exploded. To see more tensions rise in other countries in this region is a concerning trend.

Connection to Class: In class we have discussed numerous times the issue of border security and how a breach of this can lead to huge breakouts in war and disagreements. While it can be seen that this issue has not progressed too much , it’s still a concerning factor to a high tension area. If Pakistan chooses to act on this breach of their security, it can be assumed that the shatterbelt region will begin to fall apart as major countries start to erupt in war. In class we have thoroughly investigated issues like this and see the lasting effects they could have.

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