Author Archives: zehrarizvi

Afghanistan interpreter told his British citizenship bars family from UK visa

Link to article(s): summary: The article talks about a British citizen, Muhammad. He was a former interpreter for the British military in Afghanistan and because of that he got his request to bring his wife and three kids to the United Kingdom denied. Him and his family were instructed to attend to the Baron hotel in Kabul for handling… Read more »

Russia warns Pakistan of banning rice imports over safety concerns

link to article(s): summary: The article talks about the FSVPS. They have requested an urgent investigation of the situation from the trade and plenipotentiary director in the Pakistani embassy located in Russia. The FSVPS has requested an appropriate official inside of the Pakistani embassy to stop similar offenses from occuring in the future and reiterated the significance of following… Read more »

Iran Rescues 21 Sri Lankan Crew From Sinking Ship In Gulf Of Oman: Report

Link to article: Summary: There was a ship carrying oil in the Gulf of Oman that got caught amid a storm. The article states “Torrential rains have battered the Strait of Hormuz, Oman and the United Arab Emirates since Monday, and floods killed at least 18 people in Oman and three in Iran.” The sailors remained in a relatively good… Read more »

Sri Lanka signs free trade deal with Thailand to revive economy

Link to article: summary: The article talks about how Sri Lanka thinks that by signing a contract in this case the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Thailand, they will be able to overcome its economic crisis. Negotiations cover most of the issues like investments and property rights so the contract would be working towards expanding the trade industry. The… Read more »

How Afghanistan Could Benefit From Better Relations With Its Neighbors

Link to article: Summary: The article talks about the United States guiding the conflict in the Afghanistan for 20 years, the region is becoming more integrated into the Islamic emirate and laying the groundwork for long term economic expansion. But to liberate the government in Afghanistan NATO has to work to put an end to the taliban rule and… Read more »

The Future of Pakistan and U.S. – Pakistan Relations

Link to article: Summary: the article talks about the recent state of Pakistan. It is tragically flooding, there’s high inflation rates, massive debt from abroad, rising terrorism, and boarder concerns with both Afghanistan and Iran. The politics of the nation hav always been divisive and the recent election outcomes from early February are still being contested and verified. The… Read more »