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Im not going to talk about the articles I posted I’m just going to tell you how I feel about Africa. Africa, when most people think of Africa they think of crazy animals that you see in a zoo, and living on the Sahra. In reality its probably one of the worst places on the planet. Don’t get me wrong their are some nice places and nice people, but it doesn’t seem to be a lot. Africa Has a ton of countries. but their are not any song governments that hold the boarders and the people. There are no rules there. Sickness an AIDS are everywhere. People live in such bad places and even native tribes still exists. It is a breading ground for tearorist Because its so wild there its easy to hide and the people are so uninformed that they can believe what terroist say. Also their are so many Militias that fight each other and the government. This leaves nations and people in caos. The government has to worry about fighting and completely leaves their people behind. Which allows the criminal element to set in. Leaving the people in poverty and a high crime rate. Africa needs a lot of work and I don’t know if we can fix it.

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