Analysis Recent Chemical Attack

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When thinking of the situation and all the problems Africa has to deal with chemical warfare usually doesn’t come to mind. Unfortunately it seams there is once again another step further they can take to make the place they live in an even more unpleasant place to live. If these supposed rumors turn out to be true there can be huge repercussions from humanitarian groups and other governments. I doubt the U.S. government would get involved because the last of the black hawk down incident and the fact that they have nothing to gain from stopping the government. From what i heard there at least has been no further military intervention from the united states after the failure that occurred. It seams the atrocities that happen in africa are lower on the U.S’s to do list then the middle east. This is most likely due to Africa’s lack of oil reserves compared to the Saudis. The question then comes into play if it is even our job alone to stop crimes such as this or should it be left up to organizations like Amnesty to solve for themselves. In this situation I dont believe there is much amnesty can do on the lines of brute force because usually dictators require such action to get them to behave. Another question then arrises that is should NGOs be given more power in order to accomplish their humanitarian goals. Of course not enough power to have any real global power but maybe enough to over throw a dictatorship or two where it is necessary and just. These recent attacks are only a small brick on the huge wall of different atrocities that happen globally and are in need of intervening.

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