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After another two weeks of Subsaharan Africa and talking to Mr.Bailey about my last post I have taken a less extreme view point on Subsaharan Africa. I still do not like the place nor do i have high hopes for their future. Although after more research I have realized that even though it is not a great place at all their are people and counties trying and trying hard. There is a extremely high poverty rate which really makes it hard for the future generations to advance and help make their country better. Even though poverty is huge and a issue that will not go away anytime soon it can’t be the number one issue for the governments. For this part of the world to progress and pull themselves up out of the very deep hole they were kind of left in. They first need peace. Which this happens to be very much easier said than done. Not only are there several anti government or rebel groups9 and that is because of the not stable governments) but this happens to be a breading ground for terrorist. one because strong countries that lead the fight against these groups can’t get to them because of nations soverntie and can’t fight the ideology because a lack of being able to broadcast to a lot of the areas. I also believe that is another reason there are so many rebel groups because they are un informed and not really knowing all of why their country is in such bad shape. Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of not nice people in power but there are also good people who can’t do much with what they have. So after a second look I don’t have such harsh remarks and see why some things are the way they are.

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