Analysis Post

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At first I thought that doing a blog about Sub-Saharan Africa would be boring. It seemed I would be hearing stories about terrorist attacks mainly since there are two active terrorists groups in Sub-Saharan Africa, Boko Haram and Al-Shabab, but I was very wrong. Sub-Saharan Africa has a lot to offer in terms of great news stories.

Just recently, Al-Shabab had regained territory that was taken from them by the Ethiopian military without firing a single bullet or losing any fighters. The Ethiopians had just abandoned several towns throughout Somalia that they had taken from Al-Shabab as part of the African Union sponsored mission AMISOM. There was no clear reason why they left, they just did to the joy of the Al-Shabab fighters, whose morale has skyrocketed since learning of the Ethiopians leaving the towns.

The government of Guinea-Bissau has just been dissolved disagreements over the former prime minister Periera’s successor, Baciro Dja. Lawmakers in the country refuse to work with Baciro Dja which has forced President Vaz to dissolve the government until a new prime minister is declared.

Sub-Saharan Africa has proven itself to be a very interesting yet scary region. As many African nations begin spiraling out of control, it doesn’t seem like there could be a solution to bring peace to the continent.

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