Analysis Post

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I found the video about South Sudan over winter break and it was extremely helpful in explaining the conflict. Vox does a great job explaining world wide conflicts in a simple matter. I like how they compare it to the Rwanda genocide. It is very similar with the two large ethnic groups and the thousands of people dying due to political opposition. I am excited to show this video to the class because in the short six minute video, it has gives a lot of background information  which helps the audience understand what is the main problem today.

Sudan is also having its own problems as well. Many of Sudan’s health clinics have been closing over the past few months due to finical reasons. With reports stating that they only have 40% of the money they need for this next year, its scary to see where the country will go when their new neighbor, South Sudan, is currently having a civil war that is displacing and killing thousands.

I remember when my group first received Africa and how disappointed I was. I had heard from the previous group how difficult it was to find news and how hard it was to understand. I knew very little about the big issues and conflicts when I first started, but today, I truly have a new appreciation for Africa. I’m thankful that we were able to take on this task while most countries were in their election cycle.

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