Analysis Post – Tensions in Cameroon

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Over the past year, police forces in Cameroon have been cracking down on protesters from the English speaking region. The English speakers are protesting because they feel under-represented and marginalized by the French speaking government of Cameroon. To begin, the people of Cameroon speak English and French due to German imperialism in the region. After World War I, Germany lost its colonies, and parts of Cameroon were given to both France and England by the League of Nations. This accounts for why the north west and south west territories of Cameroon are Anglophone, and the rest of Cameroon is francophone. Back to the present day, the government has instituted French speaking teachers, judges, officials, etc. in the anglophone regions which is widely disliked by the Cameroonians in the west. The English speakers are fed up with the actions of the French speakers and are demanding equal rights by protesting in the streets. Not only are there protests, but the English speaking region as a whole is pushing for independence. The new nation would be called Ambazonia, and the official language would be English of course.

After analyzing this particular predicament in Cameroon, I can agree that the French-speaking majority has definitely been mistreating the English speakers. Thus, I think its justifiable for why there are protests taking place. I think that the French speakers regard the English speakers as inferior to them, or like second class citizens. This is evident because the French speakers are forcing the French language in public places such as courts and schools that are in the English speaking region. In conclusion, I think government reforms should be instituted, such as more representation from the English speakers. I believe that Ambazonia cannot become a country without mass violence and killings, and in my opinion, the death of hundreds or even thousands of people isn’t worth an independent nation.


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