Plague in Madagascar – Analysis Post

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This past August, Madagascar has yet again been struck with an outbreak of the pneumonic plague. The disease emerges about once a year and it is usually able to be contained fairly quickly. This year, however, the plague has been exceedingly difficult to contain and it has already claimed the deaths of over 120 people as well as infected well over 1000 people. Madagascar is receiving aid from the World Health Organization in forms of antibiotics and funds, while the government has taken measures of its own, such as shutting down schools and public gathering. The citizens of Madagascar are using face masks to avoid contracting the plague, as it is highly contagious and the fatality rate is close to 100% if not treated immediately. Beyond just people dying, government officials are worried about the toll that the plague will take regarding the normal functioning society, as well as the economy. For instance, schools are being shut down, public gatherings are banned, and tourists are fleeing the country. The repercussions of this plague will continue to worsen as long as the plague continues to spread. I believe scientists and doctors must work tirelessly until they put an end to the pneumonic plague. Madagascar is already one of the poorest countries in the world in terms of GDP, and a deadly plague will only bring detriment to the current state of the country. I believe the number one priority of the government is to solve this crisis and see about restoring Madagascar’s economy, and making the country safe for all.

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