The Tragedy of the Congo

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The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a country torn by instability, caused by various militias and other armed groups seeking to gain land. It’s filled with corruption, environmental problems, and political instability. The displacement of people in the country has become worse than the refugee crisis in Syria, with 1.7 million people being displaced from their homes this year. It’s pure tragedy at its finest.

While the world is focusing on Syria, a country that is affluent in natural resources has been forgotten about while it is being torn apart from the inside. Foreign aid to the Congo hasn’t taken off at all, despite there being 4 million people displaced, and another 7 million struggling to keep themselves fed. This isn’t fair to these people. Very few people in this country and maybe even around the world have no idea what’s going on in this country, or in other places like Yemen and South Sudan. These places don’t matter to the world because they have no significance to them at all. But the DRC is the second biggest country in Africa and one of the richest in natural resources. If countries realized the potential of the untapped wealth of the Congo, then they would start caring about the stability of the DRC and not neglect it like they do with every other country in Sub-Saharan Africa. I hope to see people being educated about the crisis in the DRC more or for countries to start looking into the Congo more, but how that could become reality I can’t answer one bit.

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