Land Expropriation – Mbeki Slams ANC for Deviating From Non-Racialism (Analysis post)

Former President of South Africa  Mbeki commented on the ANC, (African National Congress), recent actions especially in regards to the newly passed law of the land expropriation. The land expropriation law is a law which takes away lands from farmers and gives it back to the people who work the land without any compensation. Or in more blunt terms, taking away land owned by white people and giving it to black people to use. Mbeki is extremely aggravated and disappointed with the ANC supporting the decision of the land expropriation law because in the eye’s of Mbeki it is an extremely racist and hateful law, and because of their support towards it shows nothing but hypocrisy in the ANC’s founding political standpoint “equality for all South Africans, black or white”. The reason that the ANC supported the land expropriation law was because the law states that it is about taking away land from not real South Africans, and giving it back to real South Africans, in order to redress the imbalance in the past, which in the eyes of the modern ANC, is equality.

In my opinion, this is truly one a complete 180 shift for the ANC, a political party that was represented by Nelson Mandela, a true symbol of equality for South Africa, now turning into a Hyper-pro-African party in which is about more or less about hating whites who have land in their country. Truly I believe there wouldn’t be much fuss and attention towards an issue like this if the white farmers were compensated for their land, but their not which is basically robbery. Craziest thing is this is against their South African constitution but because the land expropriation law says that it can take away land from not-real South Africans and give it back the real ones without compensating for the non-South African’s land. Therefore, this gives the South African Government extreme power in regards to declaring what counts as a real South African and what doesn’t giving them legal discrimination powers that are completely, in their constitution, justified. That to me is the worst part of that situation, because now your citizenship doesn’t count for squat anymore, I wouldn’t be surprised if the next thing they do is limit the voting rights of “not real” South Africans or take away gun ownership rights of them too. Basically I see this whole land expropriation as the lead snowball to that’s only going to get bigger and more powerful which will ultimately be devastating for the remaining white people in South Africa.

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