Human Trafficking

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Human trafficking in Africa is a serious problem. Just like pirating and terrorism this isn’t the first occasion. Trafficking in Africa isn’t for feeding families though. Trafficking is used either to sell people to other rich people or to enslave people. This again seems to be a problem in Africa that could be fixed. It seems to start with the government again. Without a better enforcement problems like these continue to carry on until it’s too late. The person in this specific article was found dead with their kidneys removed. If government didn’t have to focus the resources they recieve on infrastructure and poverty they could focus on more problems like this one. Again the government turmoil does not help any of the situations mentioned above. I believe human trafficking is morally wrong. Especially when you end up killing the person that you have enslaved and forced into labor that could have them working all day, and then only receiving six hours of sleep. Even though I see it as morally wrong I again can see why they do it. I don’t think it’s right but I can at least understand that. When your government isn’t giving you sufficient help and support you have to do what you have to do. There is always the option to live in poverty on minimal meals and not having enough money to immigrate to a better country. Most people are not going to want to do that and when you have the option to force people into being your slaves and giving yourself a better life and maybe your family you start to see this from a different perspective. If in Africa and Uganda they had stable governments that supported their people, gave them opportunities, and helped the people in poverty then there really is no justification for this.

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