Simulation Reflection

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Simulation Reflection

I was apart of the UNHCR in the simulation. In the simulation I felt like I led the group quite a bit. I was leading and planing with my group quite a bit. I helped out group to become bffs with ARM and then we worked together to confront countries. It was difficult to get countries to listen to us though because we were useless unless they would fund us. If they had realized that they could go through the UNHCR to accomplish things among each other, I feel like a lot more would have gotten done. It we had really researched out committee and if the whole simulation took the time to go over everyones roll again before we had started, that would have been helpful as well.

I thought the simulation was really fun overall. I enjoyed arguing with the other countries that kept coming up with silly excuses and negotiations. Something that was difficult was knowing what the  UNHCR did and could do with the countries. It was difficult to get some countries to cooperate with us.

What I would change would be teaching all of the motions to everyone. Not everyone has done Model UN so it would be nice to have a list of how to present in front of the committee, or maybe just explaining how it works before. Lots of kids weren’t completely sure on what we were doing at first.

I learned a lot from this experience. I have only attended Model UN one other time at KARMUN so the way this simulation was done was pretty similar. I learned more about how to speak in the stressful environment. I felt like I became more comfortable the second day, once everyone was really into it. Overall it was a very good experience and I hope you do it next year with your class!

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