Ethiopia’s new law restricting free speech

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The Ethiopian Parliament passes a new law that limits its people’s right of free speech if it is deemed incorrect information or hate speech.

“The new law defines hate speech as rhetoric that fuels discrimination “against individuals or groups based on their nationality, ethnic and religious affiliation, sex or disabilities”.”

If someone creates or shares a social media post that can cause a public upheaval they will be expected to pay a fine up to 100,000 birr ($3,100 USD) and/or serve up to 5 years of jail time. The bill was passed by a landslide with 300 out of the 323 present legislators (2 were absent) in favor of the bill. The Ethiopian officials say this will not interfere with their people’s free speech and was created because they had no laws protecting the people from misinformation and hate speech. This law comes just months before a major election. 

Since 2018, Ethiopia has been facing severe ethnic tensions. This comes after the country’s Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, made political reforms that earned him the Nobel Peace Prize. The reforms are aimed at creating more open conditions regarding politics and the media. Unfortunately, the Ethiopian people accuse Ahmed of acting as an authoritarian.

The Humans Rights Watch said the law could be used to prohibit political opponents of Ahmed as well as the citizens of Ethiopia from voicing their opinions. I agree with them because if Ahmed is acting as an authoritarian the people’s free speech will become more and more suppressed. Additionally, it cannot be a coincidence that the bill was passed just months before a major election. This law could punish the people opposing Ahmed as well as his political rivals. My main question regarding the bill is how do they plan on not encroaching on the people’s right of free speech. I think they will not ensure it because why would they? This law will help Ahmed silence his opposers and ensure the people in power stay in power. 

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