Zambia: Govt’s Debt Crisis Worsens

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A debt crisis is not unfamiliar to a lot of countries. Zambia has been dealing with this issue for sometimes now and the government is trying to devise a plan to help this. During a Parliament meeting, people worried that this wasn’t an issue that had been addressed. However, Dr Ng’andu came out and said that excluding “Eurobond payments from the DSSI request” would actually be service to pay off other debts, rather than the national debt that resulted from Covid-19. But with a debt increase of over 2 million, something needs to be done. Zambia is trying to engage with other organizations to provide loans and debt assurance to help out with this crisis.

It is important to acknowledge all of the total world debt that has resulted from Covid-19. Given this debt, it has hurt so many people and as a result drastically effect the world economy. Even though Zambia isn’t a world power- it is still a power. It is important to look at all countries to really see how much Covid-19 has really effected the world economy. In order to logically try and solve this issue all of the debt and the economic damage that has been done everywhere, every one needs to be included in this conversation.

In relation to International Relations- this should become IGO’s issues. That way everyone is working together. Maybe instead of focusing on war issues, economic issues should become bigger issue to them too. By all working together we might be able to really come up with a worldwide economic plan to solve this issue. There are so many different opportunities to work together, all we have to do is put aside our differences and work together for a common goal to fine a solution that helps and works for everyone.

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