A Canadian oil firm thinks it has struck big. Some fear it could ravage a climate change hotspot


 A Canadian company named ReconAfrica has struck oil gold in the Kavango East, Namibia. There is immense controversy surrounding the now oil rich region and what to do with it. The main argument is between letting Namibia use the oil and improve their economy and therefore the wellbeing of the citizens or not let them use due to the already drastic effects of climate change present in the country and region. A main issue with the use of this oil is the way that it will increase the dry spells resulting tragically due to the already low amount of farming because of the lack of available water. Additionally, South Namibia is already feeling the effects of climate change twice as much. The controversy is not as singular as it seems; however, the energy patterns of other countries play a large part of the concern over this newly discovered oil. As other countries transition from oil and natural gas to renewable energy sources, the fear is that as one of the only parts of the world that will still have oil, they will get overrun and exploited. If we analyze this issue from a historical standpoint without significant consideration to environmental problems then this concern is one hundred percent valid. Africa is a continent that has been continuously used for other countries’ gain. As a nation that has the ability to either face that sort of treatment again or be able to improve the overall health and wellbeing of their people, the answer seems fairly obvious. It is a sad new reality for the modern world; having to choose between a healthy environment or the health and happiness of your own people. It will be interesting to see what outcome this will have and if the international community will say or do anything about it.

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