Outrage as British Govt Plans to Send Migrants to Rwanda

Link to Article: https://allafrica.com/view/group/main/main/id/00081904.html

Currently the British Government is facing judgement for sending asylum seekers to Rwanda for processing. The British Government says in defense these actions are necessary to deter migrants from crossing the extremely dangerous English channel routes on small boats. There have been many cases of those who attempted crossing the english channel dying and drowning, so as a temporary solution Britain plans to send these asylum seekers to holding areas within Rwanda whilst their asylum seeking requests are being processed (Britain’s home secretary, Priti Patel, signed the policy alongside Vincent Biruta, Rwanda’s minister of foreign affairs). As of right now Britain has paid Rwanda an initial $156 million for a five-year trial plan. Britain will also pay Rwanda for each migrant the African nation accepts.

In this article I found it noteworthy of the extreme methods asylum seekers are willing to try to make it to a more favorable place. Growing up and being fortunate enough without having to relocate due to issues within my home country, I realize how in my day to day life I may take things for granted and over look certain things which others aren’t able to have. Watching and reading a few stories describing the extreme lengths families are willing to risk gives me a better perspective of how bad a situation must be within a country to take such drastic actions.

This article relates to recent themes of comparative government recently discussed in class, for example part of a state’s legitimacy ad what makes it a state is its population and the population within the state. For example more asylum seekers from a country weakens the government as les people are there to govern or want to stay, an unhappy population who is willing to flee a country due to political reasons may cause ripple effects such as foreign entities ceasing tras=de/ placing sanctions on a country whose citizens wish to escape.

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