Australian Energy Co. Results in Zimbabwe

Last Updated 05/08/2023

Block 6

Following the testings for natural gases and oil in Zimbabwe, results were shown there was a large estimate of natural gas in Zimbabwe, just found recently. Invictus Energy, an Australian Energy company pioneers the search and confirmation of natural gas and oil in the inflation submerged nation of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe was a British colony until 1923, when it gained its independence. Australia being mostly a British colony too, but just not currently a white-minority, is a possible friend of Zimbabwe. With the finding of gasoline in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe has the choice as the whether or not drilling will occur in the country, of course as Zimbabwe is currently in an economic apocalypse, will likely deal with the Australian company to drill it, obviously with fees to be paid for drilling, and other terms which will keep Zimbabwe paying less and the Aussies paying more for the deal.

Analyzing the article, the discovery of the natural gas and oil in Zimbabwe holds a promising assurance for Zimbabwe’s economy. With the discovery of oil in Zimbabwe, if and when Zimbabwe starts the drilling, there will be job increased jobs, and it will give the government more money to be able to work on its inflation problems. Obviously, this is a very long term plan, as increasing jobs will likely make inflation worse as more people are going to have the money, but with funds to correct this and survive after corrections is what is important right now for the government of Zimbabwe. With this company’s findings in Zimbabwe in previous years(It has been drilling since 2022 September in different spots ), it is evident that Zimbabwe so far, has good standing with the company(Invictus Energy). Analyzing the implications of another possible boost to Zimbabwe’s GDP, with a continued partner, it could mean better relations and influence of Australia and its economic arms, which could influence greater modernization of the south african nation. But not only does it mean good for Zimbabwe, for Australia this is showing increasingly positive relations with many nations despite being of foreign European blood. With this increase of positive relations comes the ability for Australia to have better leverage over an under-controlled region of the world, the far south Pacific. Overall, with the further investments made in Zimbabwe, GDP will hopefully rise to a certain extent, and relations between Australia and Zimbabwe will continue to flourish as benefits to both countries are extended.

Connecting this article to class, with the offering of increased drilling by Invictus, comes a deal that will be trying for both parties. Zimbabwe will likely want to spend as little money as possible to increase its gains, all while Invictus will try to maximize its profits or at least make a decent dollar. When and if the deal comes, if one party does not meet the deals expectations it will likely result in a setback to Zimbabwe, and a setback to Invictus as it will go to search for more profit elsewhere. It will be interesting to see what happens and how this will affect Zimbabwe’s future.

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