Bazoum wants regional court to reinstate him as president

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Summary: Former President Bazoum of Niger has decided to take the West African justice system. On July 26 2023, Bazoum of Niger was overthrown during a coup carried out by soldiers who kept him captive. Bazoum filed a petition with the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States in September that alleges “violation of the freedom of movement” and “arbitrary arrest”. Bozoum, his wife, and son are all being held together. Bazoum’s lawyer, Maire Diagne, claims his ” clients are victim of serious and intolerable human right violations. they have the right to take their case to competents course”.

Analysis: This has a historical impact on Niger and Africa as a whole. This is the fifth coup d’etat in Niger’s history since the country gained independence from France in 1960. The more coups that take place in Niger and Africa entirely causes more instability in the region and makes it hard to ally together. With the amount of corruption in modern Niger, it’s impossible to trade with them. Niger needs to root out the corruption in their government and stop the coups going on in their country. Bazoum asking to be reinstated as president of Niger is simply righting a wrong. He had been overthrown as leader of Niger and would like to be handed back his power of the country. This is a good idea because having a president instead of a rebel government will hold more status in meetings and give Niger a chance to find allies and turn their country around.

Connection: This coup has multiple connections to class and impacts on international relations. Coups can heavily affect diplomatic relations, and the Sub Saharan region and Africa’s stability as a whole. France had a heavy influence on Niger due to Former President Bozoum’s relation with France and multiple diplomatic agreements. Nigers coup has led to more instability not just in the country but in the Sub Saharan region and Africa. This instability has led to poor security and poverty, and this instability leads to a domino effect that knocks down the region and maybe Africa.

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