U.S. Emphasizes ‘accountability and transparency’ in Nigeria Security Operations

The United States has said that Nigeria needs to take better care of avoiding civilian deaths when operating against insurgents and bandits in their country. It was also stated that they need to take accountability and be transparent about their actions. Nigeria killed 85 civilians, including women and children, during a drone strike with the purpose of killing insurgents and bandits. The United States does not condone the inaccuracy of the drone strike and certainly not covering it up and pretending like the strike was a success. They state that Nigeria needs to take more care in their security operations to avoid these events in the future.

I think that the United States should not meddle in Nigerian affairs, this could rope them into an agreement where the United States gives the Nigerians more accurate missile systems or drones with strike capabilities. It is not difficult to convince the United States to deploy troops or give some sort of aid so I would be surprised if we did not end up doing just that. The United States should not aid the Nigerians because it will invite attacks from bandits and insurgents and risk lives, both American and Nigerian. 

In class we talk about how countries can become allies through war, or through one country needing assistance in a conflict and another country needing something in the realms of trade or supplies, Nigeria has nothing to offer the United States so the relationship between the two would not be mutually beneficial, it would only benefit Nigeria. The only positive that the United States would get out of this would be influence with Nigeria, but as Nigeria is fighting insurgents in its home country is that influence that we really want or should the United States just not get involved in the first place.

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