Congo Rebel Groups Gaining Recognition and Attacking More Territory

Rebel groups in the Congo continue to attack towns and provinces in eastern Congo while the army is fighting back. However, they may not be strong enough considering the withdrawal of peacekeeping forces in the country. The specific rebel group, M23, had occupied the town and captured a critical outpost that was formally used by the military; residents of the town escaped in panic. M23 is based near the country’s border, and they continue to share alliances with Rwanda, which has been widely accused of backing violent groups like this as well as mass murder and violence in their own country and history. More fighting is expected to occur in the coming months as the election takes place; the election will not take place in areas affected by violence and displacement, which raises the question of free and fair elections. 

M23 had not been active for many years. However, they resurfaced in 2021 with the conflict between the Congo military and United Nations peacekeepers who continue to provide humanitarian assistance to the region and help people in need. After the cease-fire was broken in November 2021, more fighting began, which was followed by more displacement and human rights issues. Since then, peacekeeping efforts have begun to stall, which should bring the attention of the international community and question the overall stability and democratic development of the country. Peacekeepers still intend to stay and keep watch over the region, making it clear that their top priority is the protection of innocent civilians and the safekeeping of primary resources, food and water, and medical assistance. 

Like the Middle East, this African region is considered a shatterbelt, involving prolonged conflicts, little resolution, and little cooperation between countries. Simmerlaly, these conflicts may be happening in different countries. Still, the consistency of fighting is unnerving, and more prominent countries who influence to make a difference and a fundamental change in the region should address such issues and send humanitarian assistance to needy countries. These conflicts are complicated and complex; you could deeply dive into history and analyze global issues and conflicts. Still, the big priority is putting a stop to the fighting now, ensuring the safety of the people in the region who must endure the oppression and violence. In contrast, global leaders come up with solutions to issues like these. 

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