Sudan on brink of collapse and starvation as country marks one year of civil war

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Sudan has been in a civil war for about a year and is facing very harmful effects on the country. The young population is starving and is at high risk of death. Over 8.4 million people, including 2 million children under the age of 5 have fled and are struggling due to the conflict. There have been thousands of homes, schools, and hospitals destroyed due to the war. The officials in Sudan are making multiple comments on the state of their population but are doing little to give relief and stop the violence.

With the young population dying, they won’t be able to repopulate the country following the civil war. This could be a huge issue if Sudan gets in a conflict with another country. They are very unstable and unpopulated. They would not be able to defend themselves against another country. They also will have a very hard time trusting one another again in order to come together and work with one another.

In class, we have discussed the term “civil war”. It is a war between two large groups within one country. These groups disagree on at least on major thing that causes them to divide. There are various groups around the world that have been apart of civil wars. Including the Union/Confederate and south/north Korea. Some ended up splitting and some worked it out and joined back together.

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