Author Archives: elisebowen

Cambridge college to be first in UK to return looted Benin bronze

Link to article: Cambridge has become the first college or institution to return precious African artifacts (more specifically, Nigerian) after they were originally taken from their home countries over centuries ago. This comes as a wave of reparations to mistreated African countries takes place across the world, specifically for the crimes made to the country during times of colonization… Read more »

Kenya rejects UN court judgment giving Somalia control of resource-rich waters

link to article: Recently the UN made a ruling in their higher court that the disputed waters in the Indian Ocean should belong to Somalia. These waters are located off the shores of both Kenya and Somalia, and they lean more heavily on the Somalian ‘borders’, however the territory has been disputed for years and is a heavy point… Read more »

‘It’s a killer’: How the UK’s red list could pose threat to African conservation efforts

link to article: As cases of Covid-19 rise, including the Delta variant and other unknown variants of the virus, the UK has continued to shut down it’s systems of travel and shut it’s citizens in the country to prevent the further transmission of the virus. To do this, they’ve implemented a stop-light system. They put countries on a list,… Read more »

Canada, Netherlands join Gambia’s genocide case against Myanmar Countries are closing in on Myanmar as it faces prosecution for it’s genocide against the Rohingya, including Canada and the Netherlands. Over the years, Myanmar attempted to rid itself of hundreds and thousands of Rohingya, pillaging villages, raping women, and murdering the population. The Rohingya, a Muslim-based minority, have fled to Bangladesh and now live in overcrowded refugee camps… Read more »

Lawsuit On Freedom Day Seeks USA Visa Waiver for All Liberians, Rebirth of New African Nation and Billions in US Investments in Liberia

Reverend Torli Krua, a human rights activist and native Liberian who now lives in Boston, Massachusetts, is set on making a change. With the recent revelation that the United States Government was sending racist encrypted messages in the early 1990’s, ordering a visa denial to all Liberians. He hopes that through this lawsuit, he will be able to refund millions… Read more »

United States Donates 1.6 Million More COVID-19 Vaccines Doses to Uganda

Link to Article: On September 20th, 2021, the United States delivered 1,674,270 doses of the Pfizer vaccine to Uganda. This comes after Joe Biden, President of the United States, made a promise to deliver 500 million Pfizer vaccines to 92 countries in need worldwide. In relation to Uganda specifically, the U.S has charged the fight to protect them against… Read more »