Analysis- A Venezuelan Dissident Dies in Custody, and Questions Emerge

Recently in Venezuela, there is mysterious controversy behind the death of a Venezuelan political opposition activist, Fernando Albán.

Fernando Alban, a Caracas councilman, had been arrested on Friday at Caracas’s international airport after his arrival from a trip to New York to galvanize world opinion against President Nicolas Maduro. A couple days passed and on Monday, Alban had killed committed suicide by leaping from the police agency’s head quarters.

Alban was being head at the police headquarters for allegedly being involved in plotting to use two explosive-ridden drones to kill Maduro in August.

My view on this situation is that Alban did not just commit suicide on his own. With all the allegations that are being put towards Maduro and his officials, I feel like there is more to the story that Maduro knows and is framing the death as a suicide rather than a murder. My reasoning for this prediction is because opposition leaders have cast doubt on the official version and are being backed by several foreign governments on these statements, and are accusing Mr.Maduro’s government of torturing and murdering the politician.

I feel that these accusations have a good possibility of being true due to all the events that have been going on in Venezuela over the past couple months. Of course there is a good chance Alban could’ve taken his own life after the accusations he was facing, which would’ve left him in jail for years and could lead to possible torture behind the scenes of the prison.

A lawyer who met with Alban the night prior in the tribunal, Joel Garcia, claimed that Alban is;” A very Christian person, with deep spiritual convictions that go contrary to a decision to take one’s life”.

There are so many possible causes of his death and how things could have led to him taking his own life but no one will find out until Maduro and his partners and security speak out or are out of office and the nation can be returned to a stable state.

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