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One of the biggest controversies debated upon in the United States is border control policies. President Trump has made it very clear that he is willing to do everything in his power to ensure safe borders even if that mean deportation or the construction of a wall. Recently, thousands of migrants escaping from South America, have begun to make their way into the United States. Most are fleeing their home country of Honduras where they faced violence, crime, corruption and abuse. Honduras has one of the highest murder rates worldwide, with police becoming less effective in preventing it. Most of the attacks are directed towards journalist, people promoting the freedom of expression, and types of environmental activists. The reasoning for fleeing a place most have called home for so many years, is the reason seen so frequently in today’s society; in order to seek a better life for their family and to create opportunities that are unavailable to them back home. With the increasing amount of migrants on the hunt for a better way of life, questions have been raised about the security of America’s borders and what actions will be implemented. With President Trump’s campaign built off an idea that does not allow illegal immigrants into the United States, he took to twitter to share his thoughts. He started out by saying, ““Every time you see a Caravan, or people illegally coming, or attempting to come, into our Country illegally, think of and blame the Democrats for not giving us the votes to change our pathetic Immigration laws!” The conditions reported by multiple people about the process of allowing new migrants across the mexican border, are harsh to say the least. Even with multiple border officials awaiting the thousands of migrants each day, on average only 300 people get through, while another 5,000 are stuck waiting in line. The process of accepting new immigrants has proven to be long and inefficient. With numerous families getting separated from their loved ones, or even those killed due to the heatstroke and lack of water while waiting. Some are fortunate enough to have help in making it to the meeting point, by receiving clothes and other necessities. For others who don’t have help or the proper documents needed, the journey in seeking a better life will be a long and tiring one. I think it’s very evident that border control policies have to be fixed so they work both effectively and efficiently. I don’t necessarily agree that the problem can be fixed by walls and armed forces constantly providing 24/7 security. I think the problem goes deeper than that. If we are going to find a way to solve something that’s affecting our countries security so much, we have to begin at the root of the problem, which begins with the unfair conditions in neighboring countries.

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