These are the 3 risks that the migrants caravan has faced

The Honduran and Salvadoran caravan of migrants, according to the UN Agency for Refugees (UNHCR), is divided into five groups totaling 16,000 people. Among children, adults, youth and seniors, of which close to 3,000 have already made it to the US-Mexico border, have had to face in their long walk a series of risks ranging from health problems, xenophobia, being deported, to a dangerous face to face with the US immigration authorities.

Leer en español: Estos son los 3 riesgos que ha enfrentado la caravana de migrantes

The authorities are ready to kill in case of a human stampede like the one that occurred at the border of Guatemala with Mexico or if they do not follow the rules. These are some of the risks that the caravan of Central American migrants has faced:

Health problems

According to the Televisa news program in Mexico, health authorities in Chiapas reported that some migrants had high levels of dehydration and that, due to the areas through which they have traveled, there have even been cases of diseases such as Zika and Dengue. While they were given medical attention, the service was for a few.

But within that panorama, the most worrying are the children and, especially, those who travel alone. So much that UNICEF asked Mexico to give them priority attention health. For example, Telemundo learned about the case of Mario Castellanos, a 12-year-old Honduran boy who joined the caravan fleeing extreme poverty that affects his country.

Although migrants have received food aid, such as the one reported by the BBC, in Chiapas where Mexicans created open-air canteens, many have had to spend hours without trying any food on their way to the United States, something that affects their health. that has to do with your nutrition.

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The fear of returning to their countries

Among the reasons that forced the Central Americans, mostly from Honduras and some from El Salvador, are violence caused by gangs, lack of employment, poor health care, lack of education, economic crisis but, above all, everything, the extreme poverty that is lived, as indicated by BBC World.

Bartolo Fuentes, a Honduran journalist, and activist, in an interview with Informador de México, points out, for example, one of the reasons that forced Hondurans to leave their country: “A repressive political environment against opponents, demonstrators and defenders of the territory unleashed after the coup of State of June 2009 and with the electoral frauds of 2014 and 2017 In addition to social and economic reasons. An example: in the last decade, electricity rates have increased by 700 percent. ”

But the idea is not returning. This is how Fanny Bueso tells to Etich from Spain, Bueso traveled with her two daughters aged 10 and 8 to the USA. Despite Trump’s threats to deport migrants who want to enter the USBueso has decided to apply for a humanitarian visa and stay to live in Mexico. The objective is that the same thing happened three years ago: be deported to Honduras. The vast majority of migrants thinks similarly to Bueso, because everything indicates that returning is a great risk to their lives.


In a social network arise a group that calls itself “Citizen movement against the chaos of the migrant caravan” opened the convocation at the Cuauhtémoc roundabout in the city of Tijuana. 150 people answered the call. What followed, after canceling a demonstration in favor of the migrant caravan, was an act of xenophobia. In it, apart from insults to the caravan, he chanted: “Wake up Mexico, we do not want problems, outside the maras (Central American bands), Mexico for the Mexicans”.

“The Government must create a census with the migrants and locate those who have criminal records because we know that good people come but also bad people,” said a Mexican anti-xenophobic member of the protest to the EFE agency.

The uncertainty that overwhelms Mexicans is the situation of those Central American migrants who have backgrounds with the feared criminal gang Mara Salvatrucha and want to do theirs in Mexico, so, in the demonstration, the authorities were asked to take actions in the case.

Finally, the biggest danger is that in the United States there are already hundreds of soldiers ready to open fire on migrants in case they break the rules, which if they happen, would put at risk innocent people who are part of the caravan as children. , grandparents, young people, and pregnant women.

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