This has been the solidarity of Mexicans with the caravan of Honduran migrants

Mothers with their children, older adults, and young people are part of the Honduran migrant’s caravan. The caravan crosses Mexico to reach the US and fulfill a dream: having a better quality of life.

Leer en español: No están solos: así se solidariza Latinoamérica con las migraciones

While the Central Americans advance in the middle of the sun and the rain, the signs of solidarity of the Mexicans keep them alive the hope of achieving their objective. For example, in the State of Chiapas, as documented by journalist Ana Gabriela Rojas of the BBC, they have been given water, food, blankets, and transportation.

“They have given us help. They give us water, food, even quilts … hygiene issues too,” says a Honduran grateful to the BBC. For his part, a Mexican, owner of a restaurant in Chiapas, who joined the solidarity actions of his countrymen, told the British media: “We agreed to be able to support them with water, precisely because they bring small children, bring ladies already

“It hurts my heart to see the children and there we feel the humanity of them, and how the government does nothing,” says a Mexican to the EFE agency.

These signs of solidarity are comforting given the latent threat of Trump, who has expressed his dissatisfaction with the arrival of Central Americans in his country and has decided to close their borders and militarize them. However, Hondurans are resilient and challenge not only Trump but Mother Nature continuing its long walk.

Mexican actors such as Diego Luna and Gael García Bernal have sent words of support to Hondurans.Luna said in her Twitter that they can not be turned away in a country where its inhabitants have also had to emigrate to the US. Bernal, in the middle of the Morelia International Film Festival (western Mexico), expressed his position in favor of being given work and transit visas to enter Mexico. This is reported by El Salvador Times.

Read also: Migrant Caravan: Trump continues with threats

The solidarity that Guatemala expressed with Honduran migrants

According to La Prensa de Honduraswater, food, clothing, and money are what Guatemalans shared with the caravan of Honduran migrants who passed through Guatemala. For example, Hondurans who looked tired, some gave them transportation or gave them to the bus to shorten their long walk to the United States.

Medical assistance for Honduran children was the main concern of Guatemalan volunteer groups that partnered with the Guatemalan Red Cross to provide them with the service. Another action was to create outdoor diningrooms so that Hondurans could stop to drink hot soup in order to reach Mexico first.


Venezuelans, the other migrant population that has received solidarity

The exodus of Venezuelans who have left their country because of the economic, political and social crisis, a product of the Chavista model that Nicolás Maduro continues to exist, and has been received with open arms in countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, among others.

In Brazil, as reported by La Vanguardia, documentation is provided to Venezuelans so they can get work. Likewise, vaccination and medical assistance days have been applied. Ten shelters were built for the Venezuelan population. There they are fed. This show of solidarity highlights the Spanish media, has been recognized by the UN Agency for Refugees.

In Bogotá, the Colombian capital, to which they have arrived, according to figures from the Mayor’s office collected by the Week, 118,000 Venezuelans. Of those, 1,113 children are already part of the kindergartens and 3,808 are part of public schools. In addition, if they are not vaccinated, the Ministry of Health is responsible for executing this management.

Data from the Ministry of Health known by the aforementioned means reveal that by August 2018, “1,200 deliveries, 8,000 consultations, 1,900 hospitalizations, 47,513 procedures, 8,200 urgencies, and 26,682 vaccinations, attended to almost 70,000 Venezuelans.”

Among the Mayor’s projects, there is the Migrant Assistance Center in Bogotá, where Venezuelans tell Semana, “legal assistance will be provided to the Venezuelan on how to deal with how to process their immigration status, psychosocial assistance and help to find offers. labor. ”


Ecuador takes measures to help Venezuelans

The Ecuadorian government, represented by the Deputy Minister of Human Mobility, Santiago Chávez, announced on October 30 that the state of emergency in its borders will be extended for a month. This decision is made in solidarity with the Venezuelans who daily cross them in their attempt to reach Peru or choose to stay in Ecuador. “With this measure (in effect until the end of November) the protection of Venezuelan citizens is sought and human rights guaranteed,” the Foreign Ministry of Ecuador said in a statement.

Also, as an aid to the Venezuelan population, Chávez reminded all Ecuadorians that next November 29 will be made in the city of Quito “a day of donations of resources for some 250,000 Venezuelan immigrants,” according to figures from the same Chancellery.

There is no doubt that in Latin America solidarity with the migrant, not only from the different governments but from the ordinary Latino, is the great protagonist who continues to keep alive their hopes for finding a better quality of life for their loved ones.

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