United Kingdom

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Speech for KARMUN 2019

Daniel Gaffney 

United Kingdom 

Thank you esteemed president, distinguished chair, and honorable delegates. The delegation from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is honored to be here today to discuss the global issues that challenge the stability and peace of our international community. These include but are not limited to the Somalian Conflict and the situation in Cyprus.

            On the topic of the Somalian Conflict, the need for a solution to the armed conflicts in the region in the horn of Africa especially those in the capital city of Somalia, Mogadishu, is prominent. The United Kingdom fully supports the training and arming of African Union and Ethiopian troops as well as the Somalian Army to combat the detestable terrorist organization known as Al-Shabab. This terrorist organization which has claimed ties with other militant Islamist organizations such as Al-Qaeda, the group responsible for hundreds of terrorist attacks in the past 25 years including those on the World Trade Center in the United States, and the 2005 London Bombings. Since these attacks, Somalia has become a place of asylum for terrorists. As the years tick on and the required funds to continue the assault on these wretched groups slowly dissipates, a solution to this Somalian crisis has become more paramount. 

            The situation in Cyprus has come to the United Kingdom’s attention as an impending explosion of armed conflict in a region of the Mediterranean sea that is too valuable to the international community to be left alone. The situation in Cyprus has progressively gotten worse and peace talks have reached a point of obstruction. The United Kingdom sees that the international community is responsible for helping the two conflicting parties reach a peaceful conclusion in order to prevent a stable and crucial point for intercontinental trade and communication from becoming compromised by violence and war. The United Kingdom believes it to be an important objective of this conference to come together as an international community and create a rational solution to this predicament. 

            Although it is internally divided between staying and leaving the European Union, the United Kingdom still hopes to partner with the global community in support of solutions to the issues of climate change, and nuclear waste. 

            Modern conflicts create many untamed problems in unstable regions of the world, which can lead to worldwide effects. One of these problems which is often overlooked is environmental damage. Armed conflict in Iraq has led to the poisoning of over 100,000 people through the change in the condition of water infrastructure. Water pollution is the biggest problem in the global environmental clean up project. Thousands of individuals, in developed and underdeveloped countries alike, die each year because of polluted water; and water pollution as a result of armed conflict can only be solved by the dissipation of conflicts in suffering countries. The United Kingdom believes that it is the duty of the international community to commit to solutions to these problems. It is also necessary for the military forces of the United Nations as well as militaries across the globe to reduce the amounts of harmful emissions from military equipment and vehicles, in order to prevent the decay of the biosphere. 

            Lastly the United Kingdom believes that the disposal of Nuclear waste should be monitored not by each individual country, but by a larger body of government as a whole. This would prevent bias decisions that could harm the global economy and environment at large. 

The Delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is not open to further points of information and yields the floor to the president.

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