U.S. court allows Biden’s Mexico border expulsions, with limits

Article Link: https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/appeals-court-rules-biden-can-continue-expulsions-us-mexico-border-with-limits-2022-03-04/

The border between the U.S. and Mexico continues to become looser as more immigrants from Mexico are entering the U.S. border. With this, Mexicans and other Latino groups classified as aliens are arguing that they do have a right to live in the U.S. and their rights shall not be taken away and if caught they would be tortured. While Former President Trump was very strict on this matter, President Biden is not. The aliens are stating that President Biden can fight for them in court. There have been no other comments on the case regarding courts and justices as it has not been brought officially to court.

There has been a record amount of illegal immigrants entering the border which leads to higher rates of drug trafficking, child trafficking, and other bad forms of crime. I am all for immigration because that is one of the reasons why the United States is so great, however, I don’t put up with illegal immigrants. In 2021 border arrests were at an all-time high and that is not good for the safety of the U.S. Borders should be much stricter between Mexico and the U.S. and funding should more be focused on Border Patrol to limit illegal immigrants entering the U.S.

As the U.S. is a single world power, they should not have to worry about immigration issues. The U.S. should use a little bit more of its power and make sure the message is clear that either you enter the country legally or you don’t enter at all. There shouldn’t be any backlash from other countries since the way to enter a country is supposed to be done legally. There is a reason why illegal immigrants are called what they are. Immigration issues shouldn’t be as much of a worry as the U.S. has bigger issues to handle across the world. One of them being the Russian and Ukrainian war.

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