Illegal immigration now costs US taxpayers $151 billion a year, new study finds


According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, U.S. taxpayers pay nearly $182 Billion dollars annually for services and benefits to illegal immigrants. The $182 billion dollars is before the nearly $31 billion dollar offset collected for the estimated 15.5 million illegal immigrants in the country. U.S. taxpayers are paying 30% more than they did in 2017. Even though illegal immigrants are not able to apply for federal welfare programs, a study done by FAIR concludes that the most costly is K-12 education, around $78 billion dollars. Health Care for illegal immigrants and U.S. born children costs nearly $42.7 billion and criminal justice at the federal, state, and local level is estimated to cost $42 billion dollars.

Why are the U.S. taxpayers forced to pay insane prices, up to $182 Billion dollars, to benefit immigrants coming across our border illegally. If this trend continues, in 10 years this adds up to 1.82 Trillion dollars. The United States has a border crisis. The Southern border is completely open and we have a record amount of illegal immigrants crossing every day. Why should this be the U.S. taxpayers problem to deal with when they do not benefit off any of this? If a country cannot enforce its borders and decide who can come in or not, the question then becomes, if the four elements of a sovereign nation are a controllable border, a permanent population, a government of authority, and the ability to enter relations with other sovereign states, is that truly a sovereign nation without one of the four elements? The U.S. is also 33 Trillion dollars in debt, our infrastructure is in shambles, and our education system needs improvement. The point is, how can our elected officials really use our money better to benefit the American people. The leaders of our country are supposed to put forth the best interest for the U.S. taxpayers, not fund people illegally entering our country with the money.

Looking over immigration policies may help understand its impacts on diplomatic relations with other countries, the country’s border security, and cooperation with countries from where the immigrants come from. The mishandling of taxpayers money may also affect the country’s economic status, likely influencing its relation with other countries. Lastly, immigration and uncontrolled borders relate strongly to a state’s sovereignty.

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