Mexican president urges Argentines to peacefully resist Milei

The president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, encourages Argentinians to peacefully resist their new president, Javier Milei. Javier Milei started his presidency with a series of budget cuts, aimed at correcting the economy after years of hyperinflation. Furthermore, including a sharp devaluation of the local peso currency. Yet, Lopez Obrador has pursued similar budget cuts to government spending when the money spent does not align with his priorities. According to other sources, Argentina and Mexico have a strong relationship. Concluding Obrador’s statement to the Argentinian people, his foreign ministry congratulated Milei, saying Mexico would seek constructive relations.

The Americas, particularly South America, has been lagging in the world, particularly due to imperialism and colonialism. As these countries develop and grow in the past hundreds of years, they are struggling to keep up with the supper powers of the world. Therefore, it is evident why these countries seek to grow economically. With rapid hyperinflation and crime in South America, many of the citizens migrate elsewhere as the countries become less ideal to live in. Politicians and leaders seek to improve the economic state of their countries no matter what due to this decline in living conditions. Regionally, the budget cuts could affect day-to-day life but may grow the economy as a whole by increasing the value of the currency. Since Mexico and Argentina often have relations, Mexico may have been ‘making sure’ that Argentina’s currency was upheld. So, when Milei reduced the value of the peso, it was evident this could hold up trade and relations Argentina has with other countries.

At an individual level of analysis, the President of Mexico and the President of Argentina are doing what is in their country’s best interest: growing the economy. Although Obrador criticizes Milei, they both make spending cuts in the economy to build the wealth of their country. These countries have been products of imperialism, broken down by their previous colonizers and left to rebuild. However, these countries impose a security threat to themselves and others. In weakened economies, there tends to be higher crime, notorious in South America. This causes an influx of inter-state weakness and migration to other countries. For example, many South Americans migrate to America for safety. However, America is then left having to wean out the criminals from the honest fleeing families. Now with a border crisis, many cross illegally, growing tensions in America. Therefore, South American countries attempt to improve their economies could improve security on an international scale as well as regionally.

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