Panama’s Martinelli Defies Legal Odds, Eyes Presidential Run Amid Conviction

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Former Chile president Ricardo Martinelli has declared for the 2024 Panamanian election. This has sparked controversy due to his recent money laundering conviction. There is now a debate over eligibility and presidential requirements. Martinelli himself pleads innocents to the conviction during this statement of political conviction saying, “The only crime I have commited is tod defend the people of Panama, to defend our country from those who want to steal hope.” Martinelli is known for his lucrative investments and infrastructure projects during his previous term starting in 2009. Even with the assertive declaration of campaigning the Panamanian constitution could put his plans at risk. According to the constitution anyone convicted of a crime with a sentence of five or more years is eligible to run for office. The final decision is left to the Electoral Tribunal of Panama, it is up to them to determine his eligibility. The possibility of his campaign chances the political landscape significantly and the decision to expel him from the opportunity is proving to be a very complex decision.

Speculation that the Electoral Tribunal of Panama will make the wrong choice is backed by the fact that people debate over the integrity of Panama’s electoral process in the first place. The fact that Marinelli and his immediate family have been banned entry into the United States due to ‘significant corruption’ holds a lot of wait, at least to critics. They view his possible candidacy as an obvious attempt to challenge the rule of law. The people of Panama see him in a very different light. They claim that he is targeted by the political system and that he is a ‘champion of the people.’ In order to uphold the principles of a democratic election Ricardo Martinelli should not be allowed to run. The decline for his potential presidency will not only act as a denial to Martinelli’s political agenda but also a testament to Panama’s democratic institution. We wait to see whether or not the countries most controversial, and possibly corrupt, figures in the country will be allowed a significant opportunity to hold a high political position. He should not be granted his opportunity. It would set a negative president for Panama and Latin America as a whole.

In a hypothetical world where Martinelli gets elected there could be big negative consequences. Possible intrastate conflict with outrage of an unconstitutional election. Although it’s unlikely because Martinelli has lots of popularity within the state itself. There is a higher possibility for interstate conflict. The likelihood of foreign intervention could be on the horizon. It would be in the best interest for the Electoral Tribunal of Panama to uphold the constitutional rights and not allow him to run. Avoiding controversy and possible conflict in the near future.

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