analysis post 2

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At least thirteen people have killed in US air raid in the city of Kunduz of northern Afghanistan. This air raid was is part of battle between US and Afghan forces and the Taliban, a terrorist group. The raid lasted for thirty hours starting early in the morning on Saturday. Several victims happened to be children. the number of children believed to be dead was ten. The death have apparently come routine for afghan families, who are trying to bear down and stay out of the fights as much as possible. More civilians were killed in the Afghan war in 2018 than other year. Five hundred or more people have been killed by the aerial operations. Child deaths have also increased every year since 2014 due to air raids. Fighting has also gone up more since the US and Taliban have began speaking and negotiating to bring the Afghan war to an end since it has been going on for seventeen years now. Just a day before the air raid, the Taliban attacked two Afghan outposts, killing a large amount of people.

This article raised some concerns for me. I was surprised to read some of the statistics such as the child death rate going up each year since 2014. This is rather concerning because not only are children death rates going up, that could mean overall citizen death rates are going up. These numbers should raise some concern from the US government seeing as they are partially responsible for the death of these children. It should help push them to look for a solution to their feud with the Taliban. If they can figure out their feud with the Taliban it prevent several deaths of innocent people. the afghan government should also be taking steps to stop the Taliban. The taliban have attacked them, their troops, and people several times in the past years and little has been done to combat their terrorism.

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