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Two explosions went off in a stadium in Afghanistan killing four people and wounding another thirty one. The two explosions occurred during what was known as farmers day where a lot of people gather to bring in the new year. This event was attended by at least one thousand people. Apparently during the one of the blasts Hemlands Economic chief, Mohammad Khan Nusrat, was killed. The governor of Helmand was also in attendance but was not injured. Later on the Taliban came forward to media claiming that they were responsible for the attack. They said they were targeting people of importance such as top afghan officials and that no civilians were killed. This explosions is just another act of terror that has occurred during days of celebration in Afghanistan. It’s becoming a common occurrence in Afghanistan. Before this, there was an attack at the capital of Kubal and then there was an attack on Afghan troops that left six dead and twenty three wounded. Because of this, talks of negotiation have begun between the US and the Taliban in hopes to combat the terrorism.

After reading this article, I can say I’m rather surprised by a few things. It seems that at these major events that occur, there is a serious lack of security. These events could be less likely to occur if there was slight bit of security, considering that top officials are apart of these events. In fact, there seems to be a lack of concern considering the economic chief was killed in the explosions. And since there has been a string of attacks the government has to take some of action to combat the terrorism, otherwise the attacks will continue. The article states that there is a trend of attacks on days of celebration and at some point people will not to partake in the culture if the Taliban continue their attacks.

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